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how to enjoy coffee through the taste and aroma of coffee

How to Enjoy Coffee to the Maximum? Get to Know These Terms About Coffee Taste and Aroma!

4 min
In addition to sour, bitter, and sweet, there are actually many other terms to describe the taste and aroma! Recognizing the aroma and taste of coffee is also one way to enjoy coffee properly. Curious about the terms? Come on, let's discuss it further!

Fragrance dan Aroma


Who loves the aroma of coffee? There are two terms for the aroma of coffee, namely the aroma of coffee powder and the aroma of coffee brew. The aroma of ground or powdered coffee is typically referred to as the “fragrance”, whereas the aroma of the brewed coffee is simply called the "aroma”.





If you have ever taken part in coffee cupping or read about the world of coffee, perhaps you are familiar with the term “acidity”. As the term suggests, “acidity” is the level of acidity in coffee. Usually, there are three levels of acidity, namely low, medium and high.





Well, this one is also very familiar among coffee connoisseurs. Each time you sip various coffee types, the lingering taste in your mouth varies. This lingering taste is called “aftertaste”.


Read Also: Here's How to Enjoy Coffee at Its Best



Taste and Aroma of Coffee


Coffee has a very rich and diverse range of flavors, for this reason there are many terms used to describe the taste of coffee, such as:


  • Ashy: aroma and taste similar to cigarette smoke
  • Bitter: the sharp bitter taste of coffee beans that have been roasted too long
  • Bittersweet: balanced bitter and sweet flavors in coffee
  • Bready: coffee flavor similar to bread
  • Bright: light but sharp coffee taste
  • Buttery: slightly oily and thick coffee taste
  • Caramelly or Chocolatey: caramel or chocolate flavor
  • Earthy: the most intense earthy aroma of coffee beans that have been stored for a long time in storage near the ground
  • Exotic: exotic, usually derived from herbs, fruit or flowers
  • Flat: bland because of fading aroma
  • Floral: the aroma of coffee similar to the fragrance of flowers
  • Fruity: fruity flavors, usually similar to berries or citrus
  • Quackery: similar to nuts
  • Rich: strong aroma and rich taste
  • Strong: strong taste from quality coffee beans

and many more.





To explain or describe the taste of coffee in the mouth, coffee connoisseurs or baristas usually use the term “body”, for example to describe the consistency.





This activity is a must for baristas and coffee connoisseurs. Coffee cupping, commonly called cupping, is performed to taste or compare several kinds of coffee bean or different roasting methods for the same coffee.


Typically, cupping is carried out for a more in-depth exploration of the coffee beans used to achieve optimal results.



Single Origin


Have you ever seen a packet of coffee beans or ground coffee that says “single origin” on it? This mark shows that the coffee beans or ground coffee are sourced from the same region. Typically, the origin of the coffee bean-producing area is always specified.


Actually, there are many terms in the world of coffee. By familiarizing yourself with various terms for the taste and aroma of coffee, you will know how to enjoy coffee better and to find out the coffee that really suits your taste, because there are lots of different tastes of coffee!


Do you recognize any of the terms mentioned above?


So now, if someone asks, "how does the coffee taste?" You have more words than just bitter, sour and sweet, right? To find out more about the world of coffee, check out the other articles!

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